Thursday, August 17, 2006

I am thankful

Someone recently reminded me of how much I have to be thankful for. Even though I struggle with two chronic diseases (more on the second later) that limit my activities and dreams, at least for a while, I'm still in a better place than many who share my situation or similar ones. She is absolutely correct. I know how some people with these diseases live from support groups online and in the area. So, I decided at that moment to write a list of what I have to be thankful for.

A supportive family. Even though it has been difficult at times for them to understand and know how to help (especially being 3,000 miles away), they continue to support and have faith in my ability to fight to overcome my limitations.

An unbelievable husband who has stayed by me even through the worst of my depression, continues to believe that I will find balance and enjoyment in life. He is an inspiration to me, because when he first came out here it was very hard to find work as a flutist, and even though he doubted himself at times, he persevered and is finally really succeeding at pursuing his passion of playing and teaching the flute.

Friends who are a never ending source of love, laughs and support. We're always there for each other, we just have to call, or write. Wow!

We own a house with a beautiful little plot of land. Homeownership can be stressful, especially if you are trying to remodel it yourself, but it is a blessing as well. We have wonderful neighbors, which is also a plus.

Even though I've had some pretty disfunctional days (playing computer games and brooding at my computer much of the time), I've been able to keep my job, and the people I work with are understanding and appreciate me.

A great team of doctors. My therapist shares many patients with my psychiatrist; my primary doctor is my therapist's primary doctor, and my psychiatrist is on first name basis with my primary doctor, who by the way is fabulous and knows a lot about fibromyalgia. All three of them know and respect each other. Believe me, that is such a comfort to the patient!

Even though I don't feel like much of a musician right now, there are plenty of musicians (and other people) who still have faith in me, and believe that I will one day achieve my dreams (once I figure them out, of course!).

Our two adorable cats, Clara and Minnie!

There are plenty more things, but I think that's enough for now.

Thank you for reading. :)


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