Saturday, November 11, 2006

Autumn Shadows

Have you ever noticed the shadows in the fall? I think that they are beautiful.

In the summer we gravitate to the broad shadows created by thick green bushes and trees to shield us from the heat of the sun. In the fall, though, the shadows are cold and as crisp as the air. We long for the gentle warmth of the sun and watch as it plays with the shadows.

The middle of the afternoon is my favorite time to watch them. Trees nearly bare streak boldly across the lawn, throwing their grand silhouettes up the side of the house and over the roof.

Others still dance in the breeze allowing the sun to filter through the few remaining leaves creating playful patterns on any surfaces they find.

We have collected them all now. While trying to stay warm in the sun, we raked the dancers. They did not want to stop dancing even as the rake passed over them pulling them into piles on the lawn. They sit in crammed bags or vast piles on the side of the road now, and it is time to look forward to snow, but I miss the shadows of the dancing leaves.

Shadows are still around, of course, but the sun moves toward it's winter position and often hides behind clouds. It's simply not the same experience.

Have you ever noticed the shadows in the fall? I think that they are beautiful.