Friday, January 11, 2008

Chocolate Craving

I don't know what's with me today. I'm tired, easily over-whelmed and irritable; and all I can think of is wanting chocolate.

I've realized recently that chocolate and sweets in general affect my mood negatively, so I'm trying to stay away from them. It seems that there is a never ending supply of something tempting, and someone tempting me with them at work. So I appealed to my coworkers to stop offering or encouraging "cheating." Of course, all I need is for them to leave the room for me to raid a candy jar. Right now there are dark chocolate Hershey's Kisses. I can plop one of those in my mouth in a jiffy and enjoy sucking on it for several minutes.

Today, though there have continually been people in the room! I can't raid the jar! So, of course, I crave chocolate (and solitude) more.

I escaped to WAWA for some hot chocolate, a king size bag of peanut M&M's and some solitude in my car. At least my craving is satisfied, but who knows the longer term repercussions, though. I hope it's not too bad. John is playing in a faculty show case tonight. I don't want to be in a down mood for that.


Blogger DenverSop said...

Hmmm... tired, easily over-whelmed and irritable, and all you can think of is wanting chocolate... sounds like me! Except I know exactly what's up with me and it'll pass in a couple days.

What is it in the chocolate that affects your mood - do you know? Have you tried carob? You know, that chocolate-like stuff they put in trail mix? Maybe that (or something else) could be a viable alternative. I don't know about you, but just having to give up chocolate would make me awfully cranky!

2:07 PM  

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