Friday, August 18, 2006

New shoes!

I have resisted shoe shopping for years. I kid that my husband has more pairs of shoes than I do! Finding shoes that fit my feet is nearly impossible. My feet are rather narrow, but my big toes are rather big. And to add insult to injury, I have to wear orthodics. Finding shoes that fit both my feet and my orthodics proves to be quite a challenge.

For the past 6 years I had resigned myself to sneakers. When my white and blue ones were deemed unacceptable for choral performances, I found black ones, which I ended up wearing day in and day out. When they died, I replaced them with the same ones.

Finally, I heard of a brand that actually does make shoes that my feet and orthodics fit into: Sketchers. I located stores that carry them, and low and behold, there was even a sale! I bought three pairs! I now have some *white* sneakers, a pair of brown flats and a pair of black flats that have sparklies on them.

The magic?
1. Their insoles are nearly as tall as my orthodics, so I can easily replace their insoles with mine
2. Even though they don't come in narrow sizes, the cute strap is velcro and adjustable
3. They still have rubber soles to absorb some of the shock of walking
4. The toe area is nice and round, so there is plenty of room for my big, big toes!

I wore the borwn shoes today and feel so much more feminine and stylish! I never thought I'd like shoes. :)


Blogger DenverSop said...

Wow! I didn't know Sketchers made anything but sneakers! Are they really comfortable? I might have to think about getting some before the intended trip to Rome this November. Those trips always test the limits of my walking shoes. So, let me know how you like them as you walk in them more.

It's really wonderful that you found shoes that fit your unique needs! It doesn't necessarily sound like much on paper, but I know it's a big deal and very exciting!

And if it makes you feel any better, other than your new watershoes, I never noticed your shoes in FL. I never thought you looked un-feminine or un-stylish.

1:17 AM  
Blogger CurrentConductor said...

Congratulations! I guess we both had successful shopping trips today. :)

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY for shoes that make you feel wonderful and that fit! I agree, they are so hard to find, but when you do...JOY!

And Sketchers huh? they fit narrow feet? oooooo, I get to go shopping!!!!

11:10 PM  

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