Tuesday, August 22, 2006

So much for a swimming date

I woke up in a crappy mood this morning. I don't understand how, seeing as I'm on a potent sleeping medication, went to bed on time and got 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep. Rather frustrating! My dear husband knew just the cure. Of course, in my mood I wasn't too receptive, but grudgingly put on clothes for a walk. It is amazing what moving the blood around does. I wasn't in a great mood afterward, but definitely improved.

John teaches at a music store until 9pm on Tuesday's, so I usually go swimming right after work. Today, though, his last students rescheduled, so we planned to go swimming together. So... John got home, we grabbed our bags and walked down the block and across a 4 lane street with no cross walk to the gym. Just as we opened the door, however, I realized that I'd left my keys with my key chain gym pass at home. So... we walked back across the road and up the block to the house, retrieved the keys, walked back down the block, across the busy street...

Finally, we made it to the gym. I got into my swim suit, checked the dreaded scale, and then at probably the same moment in our separate locker rooms we read the sign on the pool door:
The pool willl be closed from Monday, August 21st through Sunday, August 27th for maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Well... change back out of the swim suit and head across that busy street and back up the block to the house once again!

At least we did get some exercise, and I'm in a remarkably better mood inspite of it all


Blogger DenverSop said...

Poor Christianne! How frustrating! The way you told it, though, it's kind of funny.

12:36 AM  

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