Tuesday, September 12, 2006

If it's not one thing, it's another!

So things in my life were improving. Pain was better, mood was stable, sleep was sooo much better, exercise more consistent... But, as one of my favorite songs says, "It looks like smooth sailing, so I better hold on tight."

In short, over the past week I developed this painful stiffness in my neck and shoulders. It was aggravated by having to hold music for most of the choir rehearsal on Wednesday. And then thoroughly aggravated by having to hold music for rehearsal followed by two services on Sunday morning. I was in so much pain during the NT reading and sermon that I was missing every three or four words. I ducked out to slather my neck and shoulder with IcyHot. It dulled the pain a little bit. Yesterday I lasted at work for 2 hours before I declared that it was simply too painful to type, much less sit up in the chair. I went home to watch four movies and try to loosen my poor muscles with my trusty heating pad.

I called my doctor for advice, and he had me come in this morning. Anything dealing with pain is so complicated when you throw fibromyalgia into the mix. Thankfully, it's nothing serious, but no less painful. Muscle spasms-- when the muscle works non-stop instead of relaxing every once in a while. He gave me this topical stuff to help the pain, and then I'll go back for shots to loosen and heal the muscles. Fun!

It feels a little better today, and I plan to go to work tomorrow, but I hurt. :(


Blogger DenverSop said...

Aw, that's a bummer, Christianne! :-( Keep smiling, though - you're tough! :-)

12:52 AM  

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